Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"The Infection Monologues" comes to L.A!

Over the last few decades the fight against HIV/AIDS has come a long way. Unfortunately, the stigma towards people living with the virus remains. Too many times our HIV-positive brothers and sisters encounter prejudices from various parts of society solely because of their health status and that can only lead to devastating results towards one’s emotional stability. What we as a community must recognize is that whether we are HIV-negative or HIV-positive, we are all human beings and we all deserve to be treated with equality, respect, and dignity. To achieve this level of understanding, however, we must slam the doors of fear and intolerance shut and embrace a willingness to learn and connect with those whom live with HIV on a daily basis.

Presented by The Wall- Las Memorias and Lambda Literary Foundation, “The Infection Monologues” will attempt to do just that. With a cast of racially diverse characters, the play will exhibit the trials, relationships, and tribulations of HIV-positive gay men from various age groups. Using both humor and seriousness, “The Infection Monologues” will attempt to captivate its audience by placing a human face on what it means to be living an HIV-positive lifestyle in present day 2011. What is it like to be diagnosed with the virus? Can a relationship overcome an obstacle such as this? Does having a Latino or African-American background have any bearing on the hardships of being HIV-positive? After 30 years of HIV/AIDS in America, the highly-anticipated “Infection Monologues” can only help in placing a spotlight on such a hot-button issue within the LGBT community and become a symbol of hope for those who must live with this disease on a daily basis.

-Antonio X. Garcia

The Infection Monologues
WHO: Written by Eric Rofes and Alex Garner with additions by Brody Brown and Joel Martinez Directed by Alex Garner.
Actors: Alex Garner, Colbert Alembert, Matthew Herrick, Korken Alexander, Marcus Reynaga, and Michael Vaccaro.
WHERE: Showing at the Renberg Theatre Ed Gould Plaza
1125 N. McCadden Place, Hollywood, CA
WHEN: June 4th and 5th, Reception @ 6PM, Showtime @ 7PM
TIX/WEB: Tickets are $30. To purchase them, visit:

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